Review: Kronik Energy

Kronik EnergyOverview:

You’d probably think a generic energy drink called Kronik would be totally gross, as did I. I did, however, walk away from the can feeling slightly less satisfied than other drinks would leave me, yet a little surprised that I wasn’t throwing up or seeing clowns come out of the walls.

Straight from the can:


Why is this legal but Cocaine Energy isn’t? Oh well.

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Review: Rum and Cola Bodyshot Little Cigars

Rum and Cola BodyShot cigars

First off, I do not recommend smoking by anyone of any age. This review is for people who have already made the conscious decision to take on the habit and inform them of other products they might enjoy. If you have not already started smoking then it’s best if you never do.


You may remember my review for the Trance flavor of Bodyshots which was posted a while back. They were a decent smoke scoring a 7.3/10 here on Everyview, held back mainly by their odor. The review has proven to be rather popular, staying on or around the top posts since written, and has warranted me several hits from Google and Yahoo, therefore I decided to review another flavor; Rum and Cola. Continue reading

Review: Audition (PC)



Audition is a dancing/rhythm online game made by Nexon, producers of one of the more famous MMOs – Maple Story. It has several different game modes, most of which are pretty similar, presenting you with a set of keys which you have to press in order very quickly, then press the space bar on the fourth beat of the measure, which is indicated by a little shaded area. There is one other mode that is very different, called Beat Up. It can be played in 4 or 6-key mode (some people say there is 8-key, but I haven’t seen it yet), and it’s a lot like Dance Dance Revolution.

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