Review: Angry Whopper

It looks nothing like the picture

It looks nothing like the picture


What is the Angry Whopper? Well, run down to Burger King, order a single whopper, sleep with it’s mom and spit on it’s shoes, and BAM! You’ve got yourself one Angry Whopper. Or, you could order a pre-aggitated Whopper while your at BK and save yourself some time.

The Angry Whopper is a spicier version of the popular Whopper hamburger which many people tend to prefer over the Big Mac or Quarter Pounder, as is one of BK’s major selling points. It has a bunch of new ingredients thrown on top to give it a spicy kick. Possibly inspired by the Volcano Taco, the Angry Whopper is made to satisfy the taste-buds of those who love a spiced up meal.


Unlike the BK Burger Shots, the Angry Whopper is chock full of delicious ingredients. In addition to your usual extra large burger patty, tomatoes, lettuce, mayo and lettuce you get fried onions, pepper jack cheese, jalapenos, and a sweet sauce known simply as Angry Sauce. The sweetness of the sauce is meant to cancel out the heat from the peppers no doubt, and the sweet and spicy mix wonderfully well. Super tasty.



The Angry Whopper is absolutely delicious, really. Not too spicy, not too sweet, just yummy. I’ve made these my new standard item whenever I go to BK, replacing the standard Whopper as my burger of choice. All of the topings complement each other perfectly making a burger so tasty you’ll want to savor every last bite. This is really just what Burger King needed.

The quality of the burger is great, too. The topings are plentiful, the meat is juicy and flavorful, and you get all of it for a price of $5.99 + $1 for each size up to Triple Whopper. It’s really worth every last penny you’ll spend, though the larger sized burgers aren’t as spicy as the single due to the surplus of meat. I prefer the single and some fries as opposed to the double or triple.

Final Words:

Angry? This Whopper is pissed off! A wonderful burger with loads of heat and great condiments for a decent price. A great addition to BK’s menu. Let’s just hope it sticks around longer than Taco Bell’s delicious Volcano Taco.


  • Great toppings
  • Delicious
  • Nice and spicy


  • Angry sauce can be a little too sweet at times


Overall: 8.8/10 (Great)

Taste: 9.0/10 (Amazing)
Toppings: 9.0/10 (Great variety of condiments)
Value: 8.5/10 ($5.99 might seem steep, but it’s well worth it)

4 Responses

  1. Best. Burger. Ever.

  2. great review, although i think the sweetness of the sauce just makes it that much better.

  3. Ben, I like the sauce, but every time i get one there’s too much on it. it maeks it kinda gross…

  4. […] copy of what is one of the greatest technothrillers ever written, sit down on the poop pot with an Angry Whopper and enjoy yourself some suspenseful storytelling. Just try not to drop the Whopper in the […]

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