Fifty Percent Grey: Akira Director’s First Short Film

While the fact that Akira may be Ruairi Robinson’s first job as the director of a feature presentation has many fans thoroughly worried, I feel extremeIy confident in his abilities. Why? I recently stumbled upon his first animated short film and came away thoroughly impressed. The title is called Fifty Percent Grey and won Best Short Animated Film at the London Effects and Animation Festival after it was released. It was also one of just a handful of films under consideration for an Oscar under the short animated films category. Here’s the embed:

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Full Dragonball Movie Trailer

If you found yourself thoroughly nauseated after watching the leaked Dragonball Movie trailer I posted last week and thought that it was caused from the shaky camera work of the off-screen footage rather than the fact that James Wong, director also responsible for Final Destination, took your favorite childhood memories and defecated on their chest to satisfy his sick fetish then you’re gonna want to check this out.

The full teaser was recently released and I’ve got an embed for you below. Prepare to be disappointed if you weren’t already.

Oh, and Piccolo isn’t green. He’s diarrhea grey.