1,000 Hits and Counting

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s been viewing the site on a regular basis and helping me hit 1,000 views in under a month. My original goal was 500 hits in my first month of operation and Pat, Tate and I are proud to report that we’re at exactly 1,036 views at the time of this writing and it isn’t even the end of October yet!

Thanks once again to everyone who is helping to make my new hobby far more enjoyable than I ever thought it would be! Click ‘read more’ for some interesting facts and shoutouts to the most active members. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

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That’s right all you jealous SOB’s! I was at Ivy Tech today and I went outside to smoke a cigarette and guess who I saw! Sparky the mamajammin’ Firedog! Luckily for me he wasn’t afraid to show our love to the world and let my buddy take a picture with my BlackBerry Curve (review soon!). Here it is:

How awesome is this?

How awesome is this?

Review: Loca Moca Java Monster


I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Java Monster’s Loca Moca blend plays out just like every other Java Monster product reviewed on this site. The same basic flavor, scent, amount of kick, and even can design. These products are starting to all fuzz together and taste almost exactly the same to me, only with minor differences.


Loca Moca tastes very similar to it’s Java cousins with one main difference. That variation is the addition of, as the name states, a rich chocolate flavor. Other than that, Moca has no major taste differences from Mean Bean or Big Black. The chocolate flavor might not even be noticeable to some, as it’s very discreet. The fact of the matter is, this drink is actually a little bit more bitter than it’s sister drinks.

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Review: FarCry 2


Finally, after a long wait since last October when I discovered this game and its first trailer, its out! FarCry 2 is a very ambitious game with a simple idea that really hasn’t ever been approached in games, an African setting, and an open world first person shooter. FarCry started the series in 2004 in a tropical setting with a pseudo-open world, which had never really been touched before. Now multiple games are set in tropical paradises and the awesome quality that these games try to push seems somewhat dated. When Ubisoft Montreal took the game into their hands they felt they needed a new environment and continue the revolution that the first FarCry started with its own setting.

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Retro-Review: Warheads

When I think about my childhood I often remember the sugary candies and
beverages that went along with it. Many come to mind and some of them I
still enjoy! Mountain Dew, Reese’s Cups, Snickers, and the occasional
piece of gum. Yet I still miss those long forgotten candies that made up
a good part of my diet in younger years. Sweet Starbursts, tangy Ring
Pops, Bazooka Joe bubble gum, the highly caffeinated Surge soda, Nerds,
Shocktarts, Air Heads… wait, that last one reminds me of something.
Something else with the word ‘head’ in it. Ahh, yes. Warheads! I used to
pop those little suckers 24/7. I could even open up the wrapper up in
my mouth (not as hard as the Starburst wrappers of course). It’s been so
long since I’ve had a Warhead that I can hardly remember what they taste
like. Hmm. Well any candy that has the word ‘Head’ in it must be good,
right? Was it sour? Was it sweet? Luckily I have just stumbled
upon one of these little candies and I’m going to see if they live up to
my memories.

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