Flash Review: Alex Trax

Alex TraxOverview:

Alex Trax is a free flash game from NeoDelight that stars a young Korean on a bicycle trying to make it back to a sweatshop because he forgot some keys or something. I’m really not sure, but he’s also sporting a wet suit, army helmet, and pink bike. This game sounds totally stupid, right? Well it’s not. The majority of the students in my electronics class in highschool (taught by one of the greatest men I’ve ever known, George Corey) played this game every single day until one of us were finally able to beat it. It’s a hard game.

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Newest Doritos Flavor? Democracy!

Doritos Collisions Ranch Pizza America

I thought these were neat. Doritos has a limited edition election themed bag for the Ranch/Pizza Cravers flavor of their “Collisions” line of chips. I didn’t get to eat them, sadly, since they’re Patricker’s. That made me really sad. 😦

But like I just said in the previous post. Go vote, now!!

It’s Election Day! Go Vote.

"Vote for change!"

Pikachu says: Vote for Change!

Well, the day of reckoning has finally come. The day when the next figurehead takes over America. We have the right to choose who will lead our nation for the next four years, and if you haven’t voted already you need to go do that.

Polls close here in an hour, so step on it. And as long as you’re in line before 6:00PM they have to wait until your vote is counted to close up shop. This is a very important day for America, so don’t miss the opportunity to express yourself and vote for our next president.