New Contributor: Brandon Thompson

Hey everyone, I’ll be writing up some reviews for Everyview. I’m sure 99% of the readers have no fucking clue who I am. Well, I don’t care. You’ll be getting to hear some of my awesome reviews for old games no longer on the market for the most part. I’ll even be reviewing some newer games for the 360, PC, and DS. Once in a while I may throw in a random review about some food or drink.

Grip It and Rip It: Ripstik Movie

Youtube channel

Help Cocaine Fight for our Rights!

Cocaine Energy drink is under complete assault. Because the drink is called Cocaine the Government wants to put them down! Don’t we have freedom of speech? I thought so. Don’t we have the right as Americans to say whatever we want? I thought so. Hmm…

Help Cocaine fight to protect our freedom of speech by making a PayPal donation here. Every penny counts, even the smallest donation with help their legal fund grow into something that could become a revolution, so don’t just sit there! Sit there and click some buttons to give Cocaine some cash, it’s for a just cause, I assure you.

Drink Cocaine, fight the Man!

Review: Myspace for BlackBerry


Finally, after far too long of having to stop what I’m doing (porn) in my BlackBerry’s web browser RIM has decided to release an application to run your Myspace for you, without taking up browser privelages. The application is downloadable for free. All you have to do is go to with your BlackBerry device and a special splash page comes up asking you if you want to download the software for free.

Since the application is rather new there are a few quirks, but let’s see how it preforms anyway.



Myspace for BlackBerry smartphones looks great. It provides a nice, clean interface in the traditional blue and white theme present on the desktop parent. There is a shortcut bar across the top that provides access to your homepage, inbox, friend requests, comments, current friends, and photos. The bar is easily navigated by horizontally moving the trackball, and accessed by a simple click. Continue reading