Review: Land of the Dead (2005)

Land of the DeadOverview:

George A. Romero has long been the reigning zombie movie king, ever since his classic film Night of the Living Dead. I recently reviewed Zack Snyder’s remake of Romero’s Dawn of the Dead and fell in love with it. Does George still reign as king of the zombies in the modern movie market?


Land of the Dead is, unlike Dawn of the Dead, a by-the-books zombie flick. The undead are plentiful, slow and stupid. But there’s a catch! In the surroundings of the fortified city where survivors of the zombie apocalypse reside the zombies have begun to show signs of evolution. They are learning! Well, more like remembering. They are relearning how to communicate and even operate in more intelligent manners. Couple that with their insatiable hunger for human flesh and you’ve got yourself a mess. Continue reading