Brave Souls Live at Wesleyan Church

I was recently invited to do coverage for a local Christian band called Brave Souls at the Northside Wesleyan Church here in Terre Haute. Of course I jumped at the opportunity to help get the word out about some more talented local musicians. I arrived with my camera in hand and left thoroughly impressed with some killer footage, ringing ears and, believe it or not an improved religious outlook, which is exactly what the band set out to accomplish.

Unlike previously covered band Caught in the Headlights, which is composed of some talented up and coming new comers to the Terre Haute music scene, most of Brave Souls’ members are seasoned veterans and it shows. The band consists of Travis ,Matt Buell on bass, Bryar Nevins and Jeremy on guitar, David on keyboards, and Adam slamming the skins.

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Pokemon: Presidential Election Battle

I was doing some browsing over on a great blog called Superphillip Central and found what is possibly the most awesome thing in the history of the Earth. Well, for a long time at least. He posted a little .GIF image which I have placed below. Enjoy!

The full '08 elections story. Pokemon style.

The full '08 election story. Pokemon style!

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Review: Starbucks Vanilla Energy+Coffee


So I’ve reviewed several of the Java Monster products and have complained about the lack of kick and how they all taste way too similar. That’s why I decided to pick up the vanilla flavored Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee this morning on my way to class. I wanted to see if Starbucks Doubleshot Energy can deliver where Java Monster’s don’t shine.

Straight from the can:

Your extra shot. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee. A powerful, great-tasting brew of B vitamins, guarana, ginseng and natural proteins from milk. Charged up with coffee and vanilla. That extra surge to keep you energized and alert. Are you ready for more?

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