One Step Closer to Curing Paralysis

Well… Kinda. Not really. Maybe. Anyway, Honda just made a wearable robotic walking maching that helps take stress off of knees and help old people climb stairs. It’s really geeky, though, so I wouldn’t imagine anyone wanting to wear this unless they absolutely needed to.

I have a paralyzed uncle, and seeing stuff like this gives me hope that he could one day walk through a park and fly kites with me again. C’mon, science! Make it happen!

walker assistant

Original story

Gesture Based Control, Minority Report style…

Is the future so far away? Or is it here but we don’t know it? No, it’s not here and we’ll never be able to reach it. We are simply stuck in the present. Good thing technology keeps evolving. Does that even make sense? But before I begin to ramble I’ll start my post. Currently, a company called Mgestyk is developing a notable system for Gesture based controls. Not too much info is being revealed at the moment, such as price or availability. It looks like an awesome implication for the right applications with the right tweaking. Although if I used it too long I might get tired and go back to my mouse. Check out the video, or click the link for the original source.

Naughty Counting

Here is an old video by Lemon Demon that I was showed to by Zac’s girlfriend a while ago. It’s really juvenile, but for some reason or another I just find it extremely funny every time I watch it. It won’t be very hard for you to understand whats going on in the video, but just don’t your let children watch this Sesame Street. Happy $%&#*ing!